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   Pictures from July 4-5, 2001
Scott's parents have timeshare in St. Pete Beach during the summer, so Scott invited Ceci to spend the 4th of July weekend with him. Ceci, Scott, Jannie, Tom and Lisa are pictured.
All pictures of Ceci. This was the first time she'd ever let go of the side of the pool and she was very happy to tell everyone who passed by! The green water noodle gave her the confidence to let go!
Tom is with Ceci in the 2nd picture above, Lisa is in the 3rd and Jannie is in the 4th and 5th pictures.
Jannie is with Ceci in the 1st picture, Scott is with Ceci in the 2nd and 3rd pictures, Ceci is in front of the sandcastles that she and Jannie made and the last picture is of the fireworks we saw that night!

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